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Статьи WoS

научные статьи Web of Science

Advanced digital transformations for food security

The issues of digital transformation of the modern agricultural economy and the impact of innovative processes on its effective and sustainable functioning in order to ensure food security are analyzed in this article. The key directions for the development of digital production are shown, with the help of which the real prospects for the development of the agrarian sector of the national economy are determined. The current state of digital transformation of the agricultural sector of the economy is analyzed using modeling of the product impact and process innovations on the development of the agricultural economy. The influence of knowledge spreading in the Internet era, the development of network technologies and the use of digital platforms significantly expand the possibilities of both modern network business and business in the agricultural sector of the economy in solving problems related to the implementation of research and development in the field of digital transformation of the agricultural sector of the economy. In the conclusion, it is concluded that the development of rural areas and ensuring of food security in Russia will largely depend on the level of application of information technologies.